
Monday, August 20, 2012

Not Another Self-Proclaimed Film Critic

To express an opinion publicly, on any topic, it is enough to create a new post on Facebook, or a new Tweet, or a mass text message. Given that fact, then a Blog is just a more tedious, time consuming, blown-out version of these modern self-expression tools. However, I've decided to create one because my absolutely deranged passion for Film is just too big and broad for a few posts. I believe that most blogs end up being just followed by the creator's friends and acquaintances, but if you are someone that does not know me personally, then welcome to my very Selective Vision of the movie world. Most film blogs have reviews or comments on all the biggest releases and must see films of the moment, which it is indeed great, but as the title of the blog implies, this is a very selective outpouring of my thought on movies. I do want to post about the current film releases that catch my eye, but I think that my forte is to share hidden films for  a greater audiences. Foreign films, indie films, old classics, documentaries, foreign animation or new releases lost in the midst of all the huge budget films. I surely have my own guilty pleasures, and I do get excited for many mainstream and big budget films, but those are very specific. I will, however, watch any film just to form my own opinion on it, either to hate it or love it. I wish to find people that share or at least find interesting my very weird way to see films and relate to them, as an aspiring filmmaker (as many thousands of people I know -_-) I hope to give some insight on some technical stuff, plot issues, and theme, but believe film for me is a visceral and heartfelt thing. So do not be surprise if i get over excited for a random film that most people will find bland. If you ended up in this blog for any reason please share your thoughts and point me towards new exciting films. Thanks.

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